Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

An Open Letter to JPFO

We have all heard by now that JPFO is considering a merger with SAF.

I would ask the Board at JPFO to pause and consider merging instead with the III Percent Society for America.  There are many reasons the III Percent Society would be a good fit for securing the legacy and continuing the work of JPFO.

We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the "No Compromise" message.  While it is true the III Percent Society is a new organization, just getting our feet under us, we have a strong base of support, solid Leadership, the energy and vitality that comes with a new organization. 

Because JPFO is such a well-established organization with a wonderful reputation, such a merger would be win-win, as we would benefit from the decades of hard work put into JPFO by Aaron and his team, and we would continue that work with dedication.

I would ask all III Percent supporters to write JPFO and ask them to consider this opportunity.

jpfo@jpfo.org is their email.  They can reach us at iii@iiipercent.com.

JPFO deserves a new lease on life, and we in the III Percent can help that become reality.

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